Energy Management System (EMS)
In the journey for buildings to become more Energy Efficient, it is critical for organisations to understand the existing conditions that have an impact on the facility's Peak Demand on the Electricity Supply Infrastructure. Let SixD Consulting liaise with Stakeholders and determine your organisation or facility's Peak Demand and provide designs and strategies to improve Peak Demand and save costs on your Electricity Bill. If you can measure it, you can manage it.
Energy Management Systems (EMS) are key components of the Building Management system (BMS) and are aimed at leveraging efficiencies by focusing on automation and monitoring of energy-consuming infrastructure and components. An effective EMS will translate into material cost savings by reducing energy consumption and leveraging peak demand strategies while improving building resource performance, efficiency and awareness of resource conservation.
Services :
SixD can utilize and leverage information from the Building Management Systems (BMS) to identify drivers of high energy consumption and develop strategies to drive energy saving and cost reduction.
We can advise and implement measures to measure facility energy consumption. In return, the control and monitoring of the systems can be automated to further increase efficiencies.

Key Benefits of a EMS:
Reduce Energy Consumption
Cost savings
Effective and efficient Management of Energy
Statutory & Management Reporting
Resource Conservation